30 April 2009

Delivered from fears and afflictions

I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
My soul shall make its boast in the LORD; magnify the LORD.
I sought the LORD , and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, and delivers them.
Oh taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him !

Who is the man who desires life, and loves many days, that he may see good?
Keep your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit.
Depart from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.

The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry.
The face of the LORD is against those who do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.
The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a concrite spirit.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the LORD delivers him out of them all.
The LORD redeems the soul of His servants, and none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned.
( Source from Psalm 34 ).

Bapa di sorga terima kasih atas perlindunganMu atas hidup kami. Engkau tempat perlindungan bagi tiap orang yang terinjak, tempat perlindungan pada waktu kesesakan. Adapun Engkau jalanMu sempurna dan janjiMu murni. Engkau melepaskan kami dari segala kemalangan kami, Engkau membebaskan kami dari ketakutan kami. Sebab itu siapakah allah selain dari TUHAN, demikianlah hati dan mulut kami percaya dan mengaku bahwa hanya Engkaulah ya Yehovah Elohim yang layak terima segala hormat, kuasa dan pujian sampai selama-lamanya.